Definitions of Matrilineal, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Matrilineal, analogical dictionary of Matrilineal (English) ‘In matrilineal ethnic groups such as the Wolof, the mother's brother is sent on behalf of the groom to ask for the bride's hand.’ ‘The legend continues that in time the kinship system changed from a matrilineal to a patrilineal one (tracing descent through the male line).’ ‘Pueblo culture is matrilineal and matrilocal.’ The definition of matrilineal is a relative, behavior or other characteristic that is tra 30. Patrilineal. Both men and women are included in the patrilineage formed but only male links are utilized to include successive generations. n. A line of descent traced through the maternal side of a family. By definition, ‘matriarchy’ is a form of social organization where the power lies in the hands of women; this is rarely, if ever, the case. The main difference between patrilineal and matrilineal descent is that patrilineal descent is established by tracing descent through males from a founding male ancestor.But, on the other hand, matrilineal descent is established by tracing descent through females from a founding female ancestor. matrilineal society is being produced, with about one third of children raised by single mothers [7] . Close to all Jewish communities have followed matrilineal descent from at least early Tannaitic (c. 10-70 CE) times through modern times. The Jewish culture is an example of one that has matrilineal descent. [L. mater, mother, + linea, line] Did You Know? Patrilineal , or agnatic, descent is established by tracing descent exclusively through males from a founding male ancestor.. Matrilineal succession did not necessarily mean that women held the power and property and titles. Matrilineal , or uterine, descent is established by tracing descent exclusively through females from a founding female ancestor.. Matrilineal definition: relating to descent or kinship through the female line | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Cite the Definition of Patrilineal Descent. Sometimes, men in matrilineal societies were the ones who inherited, but they did so through their mother’s brothers, and passed their own inheritances along to their sisters’ children. Chapter 2: Status of the Mother and Matrilineal Descent Abstract. Most horticultural and pastoral societies (as well as most intensive agricultural and many industrial societies) have some version of unilineal descent.. Unilineal descent is a family system or kinship which involves tracing descent only through one gender. If no limitation were placed on the recognition of kinship, everybody would be kin to everyone else; but in most societies some limitation is imposed on the perception of common ancestry, so that a person regards many of his associates as not his kin. In unilineal descent, Ego traces kin either through males only, or through females only, but not through both. It is important to note that there is a difference between matrilineal and matriarchal. whose line of descent is called a mother-line, or matriline. In corporate descent cultures only one family line is recognized as kin.The group typically owns property together. Meaning of matrilineality. The individuals indicated in red constitute the matrilineal descendants of a common ancestress. Matrilineal definition, inheriting or determining descent through the female line. nuclear family in which one is born and grows up: Term. Matrilineal Descent and Women’s Participation Matrilineality refers to a kinship system in which descent is traced through the female line (ma-triline). group based on belief in shared ancestry: Term. Question: Do you think Jewish matrilineal descent laws are made to increase the number of Jews?Society views the father's heritage/religion as the dominant one. Definition of matrilineality in the dictionary. A matrilineal family is one that traces heritage through the mother's side of the family. Example sentences with "matrilineal", translation memory WikiMatrix As Gimbutas' beliefs evolved, she put increasing emphasis on the patriarchal, patrilineal nature of the invading culture, sharply contrasting it with the supposedly egalitarian, if not matrilineal culture of the invaded, to the point of formulating essentially a feminist archaeology. When family is reckoned along the father’s line the group is patrilineal.When family is reckoned along the mother’s line the group is matrilineal.Keep in mind that this is at the cultural level. Both men and women are included in the patrilineage formed but only female links are utilized to include successive generations. Matrilineality in Judaism or matrilineal descent in Judaism is the tracing of Jewish descent through the maternal line. Descent, the system of acknowledged social parentage, which varies from society to society, whereby a person may claim kinship ties with another. A matrilineal surname or matriname is a family name inherited from one's mother, and maternal grandmother, etc. The origins and date-of-origin of matrilineal descent in Judaism are uncertain. Examples of how to use “matrilineal” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs The individuals indicated in blue constitute the patrilineal descendants of a common ancestor. Among other pointers to the non-existence of any legal status for the mother in Indo-European society, the absence of a word *mātrius as a counterpart to patrius may be cited. Matrilineality is a system in which descent is traced through the mother and maternal ancestors. A unilateral system is any in which descent is measured from only one side of the family. Matrilineal. This is very common in North America. Unilineal Descent: Patrilineal. At a minimum, matrilineal kinship determines the lineage (mother’s or father’s) to which an individual belongs. ... matrilineal descent systems with ancestor cults. Matrilineal definition: relating to descent or kinship through the female line | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples In additional to cognatic descent (bilateral) the second major descent system is unilineal. Definition two: Matrilineal descent is the practice of tracing kinship through only the female line. Family of orientation: Definition. Whereas, matrilineal descent is an anthropological term that refers to a specific form of inheritance (quite often found in Africa) in which property is transmitted through female lineage. 2014. In practice, such belonging may have far reaching implications for social, A unilineal (patrilineal, matrilineal, or ambilineal) descent groups composed of two or more sibs or septs, which are believed to have some association and/or common function. based on or tracing descent through the female line. See more. Dictionary ! Definition. Matrilineal descent is a kinship system in which only the mother’s relatives are significant.. “patrilineal descent.” In Open Education Sociology Dictionary. What does matrilineality mean? ... Click card to see definition Tap card to see definition based on or tracing descent through the female line. Matrilineality synonyms, Matrilineality pronunciation, Matrilineality translation, English dictionary definition of Matrilineality. Other forms of tracing descent such as matrilineality, ambilineality (xxxix) or bilineality do not stress the father and son relationship at the expense of all others, nor would they create a strong need to mute women's role in the rituals proclaiming connection. Stipulated descent: Definition. matrilineal: ( mat'ri-lin'ē-ăl ), Denoting descent through the female line. It is entirely possible for a society to have a female line of inheritance of title and property, but still be a society that is controlled primarily by men. Menu. ASA – American Sociological Association (5th edition) Bell, Kenton, ed. matrilineal: Relating to, based on, or tracing ancestral descent through the maternal line. Matrilineal definition is - relating to, based on, or tracing descent through the maternal line. Information and translations of matrilineality in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. How to use matrilineal in a sentence. ... flexible descent rule, neither patri nor matrilineal: Term. Something patrilineal is related to your relationship with your father, or to your family's line of male descendants — for example, your father, his father, his father's father, and so on.